Friday, November 25, 2005

Am I bovvered dough?

Today I have many options open to me. I could..
  1. Go across the road and drink copious amounts of alcohol at the West Worthing Working Men's Club and fight with a Silver Surfer until I get thrown out at 11.30p.m.
  2. Go to the end of my road and drink stupid amounts of alcohol in a rough pub and have a fight with a hard faced bitch until I get thrown out at midnight.
  3. Go to the local village nightclub (yes, I know Worthing is a town but mentality is definitely village), drink until paralyzed and fight with oneself until thrown out at 3.a.m
  4. Stay in with hubbie. Both get bladdered. Have fabtabulous sex until we fall asleep at 6 in the morning.
Decisions, decisions.


Stef said...

It's a toughie! ;-)

I think the working men's club has got to have the edge really.

Happybutterfly said...

LOL you nutter;-)

Damien said...

You can't beat a nice working man ;)

En Barnfri Kvinna said...

Maybe a combo fo 3 and 4. Bring hubbie to the club and then go home and get wasted :)
Have a great week end

Martian Anthropologist said...

Thanks for the visit to my blog! I like the clock on yours, by the way. Haven't seen that before.

Have a nice, relaxing weekend.

Stef said...

So, what did you do in the end?

Happybutterfly said...

Option 4;-)It was obvious wasn't it?

Pickle said...

Nothing better than waking up late on a Sunday after a massive session!!! OOOOOOOO Matron

Stef said...

Number 4? Ack, so predictable! ;-)