Thursday, June 17, 2004

Artish wave

I felt quite choked by the sea today. It was the perfect blue and the perfect turquoise.Unfortunate that I had to spend the day at CAB (Citizen's Advice Bureau), trying to outsmart my obnoxious Letting Agent, before they throw us out. I think a plan of attack has been established, and Monday will be the day of war. Who will win this battle, am not quite sure.

I was most happy with Greece drawing with cocky Spain, but will be sooooo embarrassed if England dare to lose against Switzerland today. I will place my final bet on Monday as to who will win the tournament. Am debating between Sweden, Denmark and my fun bet for Greece:-) The thing about big football competitions is that they turn you into stupid alcoholics for a month, and not much cooking gets done. I really fancied a Chinese yesterday but didn't quite drag myself there, so made do with cheesy pasta and salami with garlic, onions and olive oil. Simple but delicious and more importantly, quick. ALong with a green salad. Made in record speed for the evening game:-)

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