Sunday, December 11, 2005

Brazilian girl cock up

Things I should have said/done when I met a tasty, shagable (yes, this girl does use such terms), Brazilian girl on the train last night with all my kids and husband in tow:

  1. Asked for her number.
  2. Held eye contact even longer than I did.
  3. Asked to take a photo of her for research.
  4. Given her my number.
  5. Spoken to her even longer to find out just where in London she is staying for the next few months.
  6. Found out if she is going clubbing in Brighton in the near future.
  7. Sorted my life out and not been shy. Grrrr. I hate when shyness kicks in as essentially I am the complete opposite.
  8. Asked her for a future meet somewhere. I'm sure she would have said yes.


Stef said...

Shyness happens to all of us and yes, I like that photo line. Would probably earn me a slap but you could have got away with it I guess! :-)

Chairborne Stranger said...

LOL-that's a great post. And an awesome blog-hope all is well!