Monday, June 05, 2006

Fink !Fink! Zero 7;-)

Oh my God. Oh my God.


Oh my GAWD! Oh my Gawd!

I PAID to go and see Zero 7 last night at an extremely pricey price of £16.50 and was amazed by their support band Fink.

Please visit their site, give them support, big them up, whatever it is that you do. They are from Brighton and signed and deep. Like a funky Coldyplay meets any talented Soulman.

Oh, and Zero 7, who I love by the way, were great. Done my ears in at time, but fine.

Sia, the singer of many songs, looked kind of okay in my blurred vision.

Ask me again in a week;-)

1 comment:

Stef said...

Hmmm... Just had a listen to some samples on the Fink website. It does sound rather good.

Just Googled Sia Furler. She looks OK, not really my type but... Meh!

Sounds like a decent gig. Me jealous!