I'm hoping this link below works. (there is also a link above in case not). It takes you to a piece I wrote which gives you an idea of what Miss Germany is about. (if you are new to this blog).
Cook Up: Women are like buses aren't they?
I rung Miss Germany last night ,three times or more. Blame Miss Vodka or even Master Redbull.
I believe I told her that I love her. I'm sure she will remind me sooner rather than later.
In the cold light grey of day, I am okay with having 'maybe' done this:-)
In the murky waters that are a shabby English Saturday afternoon however, I am unimpressed with 'He-who-shall-not-be-named' banging on about the importance of Miss Germany being greater than his ego.
God forbid that that could ever happen.
Yada. Yada. Yada.
Blimey, welcome back stranger! ;-)
The question is, how do you rank Miss Germany and He-who-shall-not-be named's ego..? It's a tricky thing this and n mistaking. A delicate balancing act.
Hey Stef..Miss Germany is ranked very highly let me tell ya!He-who-shall-not-be-named's ego where do you reckon....
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