Wednesday, May 31, 2006

How to pull a Bollywood babe

That is the question. It appears all the fashion in Worthing to find Thai brides at the drop of a hat but what about Indian babes ? Obviously I don't wish to marry a Bollywood babe but to have a taste of a beautiful babe like this lurrrvely lady would be faaaaabulous.

Am I asking for a bit much? Posted by Picasa

Monday, May 29, 2006

Don't look at me - I'm shy

I have just 'completed' a rather nice intrusive IM conversation with a young lassie aged 21:-)

She is oh so shy. Therefore she shall be named I'm Shy.

I think there maybe a story beginning here, regardless whether I wrote an entry only yesterday declaring my love for Miss Germany:-)

I love younger girls when the mood is right although I am trying to magnetise an Audrey Hepburn 50 year old but the Universe doesn't think it's good for me right now.



Miss Germany was 23 or even 22 when I met her and that was wow.

I don't believe in IM contacts being anything else but that.

However. I need a new mission.

I'm going to change that with I'm Shy.


Saturday, May 27, 2006

Miss Germany meets Master Redbull

I'm hoping this link below works. (there is also a link above in case not). It takes you to a piece I wrote which gives you an idea of what Miss Germany is about. (if you are new to this blog).
Cook Up: Women are like buses aren't they?

I rung Miss Germany last night ,three times or more. Blame Miss Vodka or even Master Redbull.

I believe I told her that I love her. I'm sure she will remind me sooner rather than later.

In the cold light grey of day, I am okay with having 'maybe' done this:-)

In the murky waters that are a shabby English Saturday afternoon however, I am unimpressed with 'He-who-shall-not-be-named' banging on about the importance of Miss Germany being greater than his ego.

God forbid that that could ever happen.

Yada. Yada. Yada.