Monday, January 02, 2006

What to do in 2006

  1. Get a more exciting job. One week in after being on Maternity Leave and I am seriously bored.
  2. Go back and see my friends in Munich.
  3. Go to Italy and shop, hard.
  4. Write more, and I'm not just talking in a blog either
  5. Do more and keep on talking as much as I do
  6. Become an Extra. I desperately want a walk-on in Eastenders. Yes. I know. Sad. Very.
  7. See more live gigs and review more.
  8. Get more freebies. The second half of this year was seriously lacking in freebies from Da Man.
  9. Wind up a few more famous people. I have been known to do just that.
  10. Get into the habit of buying shoes. Why? Because I wanna know what the fuss is all about.


Anonymous said...

kudos! and thanks for stopping by...

and you'll not really understand the true joy of shoes until you find the pair that suits you perfectly. once you do, it's all over! ^_^

En Barnfri Kvinna said...

Have a great 2006, girl and I truly support no3 on your list. Might see you there :)

Damien said...

11. Make no resolutions.

Stef said...

You've wound up celebrities in the past? Do tell!

Take my advice, don't try and acquire a shoe habit. My good lady wife has one and we totally bust our baggage allowance coming back from Hong Kong because of all the shoes and handbags she brought. We gained 9kgs and all I got was 4 cigars and a tie... I ate the rest of my money and very nice it was too!