Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Bloody stalker number 2

This is what I have. A minger stalker. This is not something to be proud of. At all. What is wrong with ugly girls, hanging out in pubs, gleefully waiting for everyone, no, anyone to sling their beer goggles on and take them home. God forbid , and do dirty nasty things to them?

I didn't do that. I did get off with her but it was quite bizarre because the whole time I was thinking, "Is she really a minger?" and then looking at her and thinking "OMG.Yes."


She is in love with me.

Stalking the hell out of me.

Men are to blame for this.

They started this behaviour.

We are now officially trained for this bullhang.


1 comment:

Stef said...

Hello stranger :-)

A stalker you say? While men may have made this behaviour an art form, as a woman you must surely know how to crush their self respect to within an inch of snuffing it out? ;-)